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How women can create a successful podcast | Top tips

“Women Not Podcasting Due To Visibility & Tech Fears” -Leading Podcast Expert Encourages more Women to Tap into Audio Power and Shares Top Tips To Creating A Successful Podcast from the Comfort of Your Own Home.

There is no doubt that the podcast industry is booming with over 2.5million podcasts now live. We have seen that there is a real increasing thirst for audio content, as the audiobook and podcast industry continues to surge and soar in popularity.

Anna Parker Naples talks a successful podcast

However, audio and podcasting continues to be a male dominated field, with 2020 stats showing that only 21% of podcasts are hosted by women.

I want to help remove any barriers many women place in front of themselves when it comes to entering the ‘unknown’ audio space. Having personal seen the power audio can bring, I have been able to create a multi 6 figure business from scratch over the last few years, and I’m passionate about helping others and share my advice on how to use the audio world to build authority and have more impact, influence and income!

I have experienced many personal challenges including; being bullied in my teens and suffering imposter syndrome, this led to me having a real fear of being visible and decided it was best to not pursue my dream career of being an actress, I kept my face away from the cameras and bright lights and instead used my voice to pave out a successful career becoming an award-winning voice actor.

However, in my thirties, during my third pregnancy, I became wheelchair bound with server Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD), I was unable to travel to do recording and wasn’t able to do the word I loved. However, I decided to use this time to learn everything about the world of audio and become an audio expert – I even built a recording studio at home, so I could work from home and I went on to become an award-winning voice actress and audio producer working with brands such as; Coca Cola, CBeebies, FC Barcelona, CITV, Aardman Animation, Virgin and BBC.

This led to me learning more and more about audio power and eventually become a podcast host and now, one of the UK’s leading podcast experts and the Founder of The Podcast Agency

Audio is a very different world, but that doesn’t mean it has to be hard, or inaccessible – I want to open doors so more people can share their messages globally through the power of a podcast. A medium that is fast becoming the best way to educate, inspire and connect with listeners globally as they go about their daily lives… and the best part is, with a few piece of good equipment it can be done from the comfort of your own home!

A podcast takes effort and knowledge is key in launching a successful, profitable podcast. My international bestselling books ‘Get Visible’ and ‘Podcast with Impact’, share my story and top tips to creating a successful podcast and so does my latest podcast – ‘Podcasting for Entrepreneurs’ – – the podcast covers everything from the impact of a successful launch to growing, monetising and strategising your podcast.

Anna Parker Naples podcasts with impactAnna’s Ten Steps to Successfully Launch Your First Podcast

1. The Power is in the Planning –

The power of a podcast is in the planning stage. Who do you want to reach? What will they take away from your podcast?

2. Positioning –

Decide how you want to position yourself to your listeners and within your industry.

3. Listen to Others –

Find out the BIG podcasters in your space and go and listen to them. Look at the way they describe their shows, listen to the intros, how to they present themselves? Then go and listen to much small, less well known podcasts – what differences can you spot?

4. It’s all in the Name –

Make sure your podcast name lets people know what to expect.

5. Ensure your Brand is ON POINT –

Seeing your artwork inside iTunes or Spotify is the first time potential listeners will come in contact with your show – ensure you draw them in and give the right impression. The opening few seconds of your show can make or break whether a new listener stays… choose music that reflects the style and pace of your podcast – think about the opening words of your intro – make it short, punchy and to the point.

6. Microphones –

Don’t get lost in tech. Purchase a microphone that is suitable for podcasting (Blue Yeti is a good place to start or a clip on lavalier microphone that attaches to your phone).

7. Editing –

I know editing software can look scary, but I promise you – you can edit your own show more easily than you may think. Start with free software such as Audacity.

8. Hosting Platform –

You’ll need to choose a hosting platform to upload your audio tracks into. I recommend Libsyn it’s the most popular and reliable.

9. Time to Submit –

Now this is the exciting bit – once you’ve got everything lined up in your host, you can submit to the major directories such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google. Once you’re approved, your show is immediately live!

10. Don’t forget to Promote –

As soon as your show is live, it’s your chance to share with everyone you know the value you’re putting out – ask people to also review your show. Keep up the focused promoting until you hit the top of the charts!

About Anna

Written by British Podcast Award judge, PodFest speaker and top 1% podcaster Anna Parker Naples, from Bedfordshire. Anna has over 15 years of audio and production experience and is now one of the UK’s leading podcast launch experts, a number 1 International Podcast Host, award-winning entrepreneur and Founder of The Podcast Agency

Anna is passionate about helping others amplify their message – and bring their podcast to their people. She is on a mission to help remove the barriers many people place in front of themselves when it comes to entering the ‘unknown’ audio space, Anna is keen to help others see how they CAN tap into this fastest growing marketing medium, especially on the back of poll results from her community highlighting that 39% of female entrepreneurs particularly fear the tech and 42% are struck by visibility fears.

For more information please visit or listen to ‘Podcasting for Entrepreneurs’ –

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