Advertise in Feed Compounder
So you have something to sell to animal feed manufacturers, how will you ensure they know?
The animal feed industry is one of the largest process industries in Britain and, indeed, one of the largest throughout Europe. Feed companies represent an important market for suppliers of a huge variety of ingredients and additives and for companies offering processing machinery, process control solutions and bulk handling equipment. Successful selling to the animal feed industry requires carefully targeted and sustained attention.
Unlike the majority of process industries, animal feed manufacturers have their own journal devoted exclusively to their particular needs and concerns. Feed Compounder is a subscription magazine widely read by practically every executive in the animal feed industry. If you want to let feed manufacturers know what you have to offer them, then Feed Compounder is unquestionably the best medium for reaching them.
For over thirty years, Feed Compounder has enjoyed an unparalleled reputation which has been achieved by maintaining high standards of quality in both content and presentation. Editorially, the magazine features strong, informed comment and opinion, in-depth technical articles and wholly relevant news columns. State-of-theart, sheet-fed, full colour presses are used to ensure advertisements are reproduced to the highest standards.
If you wish to sell your products or services to feed manufacturers, you must ensure they are aware who you are. Advertise to them in the journal they choose to buy – the journal exclusively devoted to feed – Feed Compounder.
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Circulation Figures
Average Circulation
Digital Subscribers
E-Letter Audience
In addition to subscribers, copies are also distributed to every UFAS accredited feed production site in the UK and Ireland, to members of the Society of Feed Technologists and to members of FEFAC.
Copies are also distributed to delegates attending major feed exhibitions and conferences, including:
- Victam
- EuroTier
- Society of Feed Technologists
and others
Geographic Distribution